
Wednesday, January 8, 2014

Potential Noncontraceptive benefits of hormonal contraception

Potential non-contraceptive benefits of hormonal contraception (American College of Obstetrician and Gynecologists. ACOG practice Bulletin No 110: Noncontraceptive uses of hormonal contraceptives. Obstet Gynecol. 2010; 115(1): 206-218)
1.Menstrual cycle regularity
2.Treatment of menorrhgia
3.Treatment of dysmenorrhoea
4.Inducing amenorrhoea for life style considerations
5.Treatment of premenstrual syndrome
6.Prevention of menstrual migraines
7.Decrease in risk of endometrial cancer, ovarian cancer, colorectal cancer
8.Treatment of acne or Hirsutism
9.Improved bone mineral density
10.Treatment of bleeding due to Leiomyoma
11.Treatment of pelvic pain due to endometriosis

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