
Thursday, June 12, 2014

Bulimia Nervosa

Bulimia (boo-LEE-me-uh) nervosa, commonly called bulimia, is a serious, potentially life-threatening eating disorder. People with bulimia may secretly binge — eating large amounts of food — and then purge, trying to get rid of the extra calories in an unhealthy way. For example, someone with bulimia may force vomiting or do excessive exercise. Sometimes people purge after eating only a small snack or a normal-size meal.

Bulimia signs and symptoms may include:

    Being preoccupied with your body shape and weight
    Living in fear of gaining weight
    Feeling that you can't control your eating behavior
    Eating until the point of discomfort or pain
    Eating much more food in a binge episode than in a normal meal or snack
    Forcing yourself to vomit or exercise too much
    Misusing laxatives, diuretics or enemas after eating
    Using dietary supplements or herbal products for weight loss

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