
Wednesday, July 3, 2013

Elective Repeat Caesarean Section

Elective repeat caesarean section
Maternal benefits
Caesarean section avoids labour with its risks of
perineal trauma (urinary and faecal problems)
the need for emergency caesarean section
scar dehiscence or rupture with subsequent morbidity and mortality
advantages of allowing a planned delivery
Fetal benefit
        no risk from intrapartum scar rupture
Maternal risks
prolonged recovery
future pregnancies would probably require caesarean delivery
increased risk of placenta praevia and accrete in subsequent pregnancies.
Fetal risks
        Increased risk of transient tachypnoea/respiratory distress syndrome (6% at 38weeks, 1-3% at 39weeks)

source: An evidence based text book for MRCOG

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